Below is the text of an open letter I sent to Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian on April 12, 2024. The image above comes from a New York Times article called The Schoolyard.

Dear Sundar,

I was proud of Google when in 2010 the company decided to exit its business in China due to ethical considerations. Now, 14 years later, Google faces a similar dilemma with respect to its provision of Cloud services to a government that has a long history of apartheid and is currently engaged in a genocide of the Palestinian people. Time Magazine today reported credible evidence indicating Google Cloud services are being used to further Israeli military objectives.

As a Jewish person of good conscience and a Google employee of 13 years, I ask you to stand up for the victims of the horrible atrocities in Gaza and the occupied territories. Google should show the same moral courage exemplified in our decision to leave China, and respect the human rights of Palestinians.

Specifically, until Israel stops its genocidal campaign in Gaza, decommissions its illegal settlements in the West Bank, and dismantles its apartheid regime throughout the region, Google should terminate all business dealings with the government of Israel.

By taking a strong stance and speaking up for human rights, Google has the power to help stop the suffering being inflicted on the people of Gaza and the West Bank. Please make us proud to work for a company where “Don’t be evil” is more than just a catchy phrase.

A concerned employee,
Marc Cohen