I recently had a conversation with someone close to me about religion. They were asserting that the Tibetan belief in a reincarnated soul is not a form of religious indoctrination. I disagreed but the point of this article is not the substance of that discussion but rather my reaction to the conversation.

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You know that feeling when you have something important to do and you just can’t seem to get off the starting block? It’s not necessarily an unpleasant task, and once you get working on it, it’ll be fine. It’s just that the energy required to make the transition from idle to active can feel overwhelming at times. In this article I’m sharing the best solution I’ve found to this problem.

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I recently noticed that I’ve been reading fewer books lately. I think it’s because I’ve been spending a disproportionate share of my time reading blogs, news sites, a certain social media feed, and other less substantial content. Then I read Blake Butler’s Maximizing Time for Reading, which put everything into focus for me.

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I have a treat for you today. NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts regularly hosts a diverse array of amazing artists performing in an intimate setting, literally behind a tiny desk, to an impromptu gathering of staffers (for the concerts alone, I’d give anything to work there).

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1984 Redux

In his celebrated dystopian novel 1984, George Orwell introduced the concept of Newspeak, which illustated how language can be used to control thought and behavior.

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Let’s start with a definition:

Zionism. / (ˈzaɪəˌnɪzəm) / noun. a political movement for the establishment and support of a national homeland for Jews in Palestine, now concerned chiefly with the development of the modern state of Israel. a policy or movement for Jews to return to Palestine from the Diaspora.

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I was a young child during the US War in Vietnam. I wasn’t old enough to fully understand what was going on. But something amazing was happening then. And it’s happening again today.

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The phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” has been declared antisemitic by supporters of Israel. It’s been claimed that the phrase calls for the eradication of the state of Israel.

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